
烏克蘭危機已經西方和俄羅斯的角斗場,在巨大的沉沒本之下,雙方難以輕易退出。國企圖通過這場危機,打一場曠日持久的“混合戰”,拖垮俄羅斯經濟。不過,這樣的圖謀已經“破產”了。一方面,西方國家逐漸對援烏展現疲態,這場“混合戰”能否持續,還是未知數。烏克蘭危機已經兩年,給世界安全格局帶來的危害是顯而易見的。像以沖突,還有一些發生在亞太與拉地區的“小沖突”,都是在俄烏軍事對峙持續的“大背景”下發生的。對于這場危機,烏克蘭危機兩年來,當前世界正在新舊格局的轉換期,更多的國家自主意識上升,多極化進程加速。烏克蘭危機發后,歐洲不得不與俄羅斯進行“切割”,令歐洲境艱難。俄歐能源關系破裂,歐洲不得不以更高的價格從全球購買能源、石油、天然氣,致使歐洲經濟本上升,經濟競爭力下降。烏克蘭危機帶來的,更多是世界和平與地區安全上不確定、不穩定的增加。和談是解決烏克蘭問題,走出當前困境的唯一出路。 China has been actively involved in the Ukrainian crisis, emphasizing the need for respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries and the principles and purposes of the UN Charter, calling for the parties to sit down and negotiate to resolve the crisis. The Chinese government released a document titled "China's Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukrainian Crisis" on the first anniversary of the Ukrainian crisis, which comprehensively and systematically expounded China's position on the Ukrainian crisis. China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi stated at the 60th Munich Security Conference that China is not the instigator or a party to the Ukrainian crisis. China has not stood by and watched, nor has it sought to profit from the situation. "Negotiation is the only way to resolve the Ukrainian problem and to get out of the current predicament." According to Chen Yurong, "China has not added fuel to the fire like the United States and the West, but has consistently supported ceasing fire and promoting negotiations and efforts to persuade peace." "Humanity lives in the same home, and we all prosper or suffer together. Multiple losses are not a rational choice, and win-win is the future of humanity." Wang Yi stated at this year's Munich Security Conference.