河南,一個充滿古老文明和豫劇悠揚的地方,如今卻為了現代版的“闖世界”的起點。歷史上,河南經歷了戰、旱災、蝗災和黃河水災等多種災難, forcing people to flee for survival, much like the Chinese version of the gypsies. Today, while the agricultural resources in Henan are abundant, the industrial sector is relatively weak. As a result, many people have left their hometowns to seek a better life elsewhere. According to national labor output rankings, Henan people have taken the top spot. In developed areas such as Beijing, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, and Guangdong, Henan people have gathered in large numbers, similar to a New Year's fair. Many of the delicious dishes found in Beijing's snack streets are actually made by Henan locals, and about one in every ten taxi drivers in Guangzhou and Xiamen speak with a Henan accent. Wherever there is a demand for labor, we, the people of Henan, will rush to seize the opportunity for development.

In the past, Henan people have also built deep friendships with other regions, such as Xinjiang. During the construction of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, many Henan soldiers and volunteers went there to offer support. We like to exaggerate and add humor to our words. For example, "one-third of the stalls in Beijing's snack street are owned by us from Zhengzhou" and "if you don't encounter a Henan taxi driver in Guangzhou, then I lose." Although these statements are humorous, they also reflect a fact - no matter where we go, the people of Henan will always be present.

In summary, from ancient times to the present, through wind, frost, rain, and snow, we, the dream chasers, dare to step out of our homes and face the unknown. Whether you encounter us in any corner of our motherland, please remember: we not only use diligence to write the ordinary world, but also use wisdom and sweat to create extraordinary chapters! This article aims to promote positive social values, and if there are any issues related to your work, we will remove or modify it immediately upon request.