Title: Innovative Packaging Design for Swedish Smör Butter


Our client Diego approached us with a unique challenge - to stand out in a market saturated with visual stimuli. Inspired by the Swedish word for 'butter,' smör, we embarked on a design journey that would redefine the way butter packaging is perceived.

To begin, we conceptualized a logo that captured the essence of smör. The logo featured an S that resembled the rolling spires created by a knife on the surface of butter. This visual reference not only represented the product but also served as a memorable and distinctive symbol for the brand.

Taking the design a step further, we created a one-of-a-kind ceramic container that elegantly mimicked the appearance of a butter block. This innovative packaging design not only provided a visually appealing and unique experience for consumers but also reinforced the brand's commitment to capturing every aspect of the smör experience.

The industrial design for this project was led by Nikos Castanakis, renowned for his expertise in creating functional and aesthetically pleasing products. Through his meticulous attention to detail, the final product seamlessly blended functionality with visual appeal, setting a new standard for butter packaging.

In a market where visual overload is the norm, our design approach has allowed our client, Diego, to successfully differentiate themselves. The smör butter packaging design not only catches the consumer's eye but also conveys the essence of the product in a visually striking and memorable way. By embracing the Swedish word for butter and incorporating it into every aspect of the design, we have created a packaging solution that truly stands out in the market.