
On November 23rd, in ShaoGuan, Guangdong, a disturbing incident took place in the Sandu Community of the Wujiang District. An elderly person was spotted sitting on the top of an air conditioning unit, seemingly contemplating suicide. The situation appeared extremely perilous, with a woman below the scene encouraging the elderly person to jump. However, on the morning of the 24th, the Sandu Community Neighborhood Committee confirmed to reporters that the incident did occur and the elderly person had been rescued. Fortunately, no injuries were reported, and the onlookers were promptly dispersed.

Zero Degree's Perspective: Finding Joy in Others' Misery - Lack of Decency and Empathy in Spectating Tragedies!

We cannot fathom what emotions the elderly person experienced when they climbed onto the rooftop, but as normal and compassionate individuals, shouldn't our first concern be their safety and hope for their peaceful return? Shouting "Jump!" is either a sign of stupidity or malice! If the elderly person had heard and followed her suggestion, how would she have dealt with the consequences? Could she really have carried on as if nothing happened after witnessing a life vanish before her eyes? To derive pleasure from another's suffering is not only indecent but also heartless. It is truly terrifying when a person loses even basic compassion for their fellow beings and no longer respects the sanctity of life. (Source: Star Video)